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The Total Gym

'The Total Gym provides an entire gym full of equipment in 1 machine and is great for all demographics-ages 8-80 and from beginner to advanced fitness levels.'


10% Off CODE: 11001 Total Gym® Home Fitness Equipment - Over 1 Million Satisfied Customers. Limited Time 10% OFF with Promo Code: 11001 | This is the first time we have released promo codes for our website. Offer your customers huge savings!
10% Off CODE: 11001 Total Gym® Official Store - Endorsed by Chuck Norris & Christie Brinkley. FREE Shipping + 10% OFF with Promo Code: 11001 | This is the first time we have released promo codes for our website. Offer your customers huge savings!
10% Off CODE: 11001 Total Gym® - As Seen on TV with Chuck Norris & Christie Brinkley. Get the body you’ve always wanted. 10% OFF with Promo Code: 11001 | This is the first time we have released promo codes for our website. Offer your customers huge savings!
10% Off CODE: 11001 Take advantage of Free Shipping + 10% off the Total Gym® 2000, 3000, and XLS (using code: 11001 at checkout) today. Act Now! | Free Shipping + 10% off (using code: 11001)
10% Coupon CODE: with Purchase a Total Gym® 2000, 3000, or XLS and receive 10% off using code with Promo Code: 11001. | Total Gym® 2000, 3000, or XLS - 10% Coupon using code 11001.

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Free Shipping Take the Total Gym® Challenge! - 30 Day Trial for only $1 plus FREE Shipping. Lose weight or build muscle… guaranteed! | Customers have the chance to take our In Home Risk Free Trial Offer for 30 days for only $1 plus Free Shipping!
FREE Shipping Total Gym® Home Fitness Equipment - Over 1 Million Satisfied Customers. Try Total Gym® for 30 Days for only $1.00 - FREE Shipping. | This is a great ad to speak to the consumer that may not already know about Total Gym.
Free Shipping Chuck Norris wants YOU to get into shape! - Total Gym® Official Store. Try Total Gym® for 30 Days for only $1 - FREE Shipping. | Call to action from Chuck Norris. In Home Risk Free Trial Offer for 30 days for only $1 plus Free Shipping!
FREE Shipping Looking to lose weight? – Try Total Gym® for 30 days & pay only $1. FREE Shipping. Endorsed by Chuck Norris & Christie Brinkley. | This is a great ad that speaks to the consumer that may not already know about the Total Gym.
Free Shipping Total Gym® Official Store As Seen on TV. Chuck Norris & Christie Brinkley. One gym, over 80 exercises. Try it for only $1. FREE Shipping | Customers have the chance to take our In Home Risk Free Trial Offer for 30 days for only $1 plus Free Shipping!
$1 Off Fitness is fun again with Total Gym® - Lose weight & get into the BEST shape of your life. Try the 30 day trial for only $1. | Another great ad for reaching the consumer that may not already know about the Total Gym.
Free Shipping Total Gym® Official Store Endorsed by Chuck Norris & Christie Brinkley. Take our 30 Day In-Home Trial for only $1 and get FREE Shipping! | Limited time $1 Trial Offer plus Free Shipping! Customers can try Total Gym in their home for 30 days.
Free Shipping Try Total Gym® for only $1 – As Seen on TV with Chuck Norris & Christie Brinkley. Over 1 Million Satisfied Customers. FREE Shipping. | Customers have the chance to take our In Home Risk Free Trial Offer for 30 days for only $1 plus Free Shipping!
Free Shipping Total Gym® Official Store – Chuck Norris & Christie Brinkley. Save Time, Money & Get Results. Try it for only $1 & get FREE Shipping. | Customers have the chance to take our In Home Risk Free Trial Offer for 30 days for only $1 plus Free Shipping!
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